Baki Hanma Season 2

Baki Hanma is the perfect shonen and here's why. It’s the level of detail they give to ordinary things via the main characters and narrator. The way they break down the human body is second to none. It also gives me that classic anime feel that is very nostalgic. Plus it works well with the simplicity of this anime itself.

This anime has always been about discovering true strength. A definition that is everchanging depending on who is speaking at the time. Even then we get to see characters on both sides be curious. The creators give them many opportunities to evolve over the course of the show. Whether it's changing their personal philosophy to get stronger or even coming up with a new move.

Now let’s talk about the star of the show Baki. We get to learn so much about him in this season. We got to understand what motivates him. We learn more about the Hanma’s history and finally get to see the fight of the century. A battle between father and son. At the end of the day, Baki is still just a kid who wants to be loved.

Yujiro as the father in this crazy dynamic molded Baki into the person he wanted him to be. It’s crazy to even put it into words because of who we are talking about but it worked.

That is some incredible storytelling to be able to put all the pieces together like this. The parallels between multiple storylines and the fights were so fun to watch. The Pickle Arc was so cool because of its prehistoric nature. There is so much more I want to say on this but I'll end this review with this. Fatherhood is important.


The Creator


One Piece