The Flash
Unfortunately, The Flash is a good movie that was doomed to fail from the start because of the “they who shall not be named” actions off of the big screen. The opening was really cool outside of the animation/running style because it’s a little jarring visually. They gave us a pseudo-origin story by showing us what it’s like to be a speedster without having to redo Barry’s origin story from the Justice League movies. Don’t get me wrong the Flash moments are always cool to see and introduce us to who Barry Allen is as a character for new viewers.
This movie is good but they revealed way too much before the movie even dropped and the movie trailer ratio was way off. The plot of this film was focused and concise which I think was a good thing but at the same time, it became more and more predictable. I not saying that anybody could have written this movie but the way they pull a lot of things from the Flash mythos to create this movie was cool to see initially but didn’t feel super original.
The major theme of this movie was realizing that every problem doesn’t always have a solution even if you have the power to change it. Then when you combine that with the sentimental moments with his mom it hit differently. I think Iris West as a love interest in the movie was kind of awkward and was missing major chemistry because it seemed like at this point they were just checking boxes.
Nostalgia was heavy in this movie. But the novelty of those moments didn’t translate on screen the more they used them. Especially when we already know half of the plot because they either showed it in the trailer or are reusing content in "What If” type scenarios that only provide a shock factor and nothing to the overall story.
They just needed to dive deeper into what makes Barry such a great character and not just show us all the cool things the Flash can do or rely on your secondary heroes & villains to carry the movie. This is still one of DC Comics best live-action films in recent years 100%. But at the end of the day, this movie will never get the look it deserved and we are just gonna have to hope that James Gunn can take things to the next level moving forward.